100% Donation Policy

Our organisation works minimally and is Collecting for people, not for profit because we are 100% voluntary based donation, which means that we do not take any penny for our services. Our services are 100 % free for anybody who need our services.

Our one-hundred percent donation philosophy ensures that every dollar you provide goes directly to helping those in need, not to fund administrative or overhead costs, which are paid either by direct donations or by Gift Aid.

This one-of-a-kind policy distinguishes us from most worldwide non-governmental organisations. It serves as the organisation's driving concept. Experienced, dedicated volunteers carry out our work overseen by trustees with professional, managerial, and charitable sector expertise. We don't outsource any of our activities to other organisations to avoid conflicts of interest. The charity takes full responsibility for providing help and completing projects with total openness and honesty.

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Feedo Needo is dedicated to supporting a community built on diversity, tolerance, cooperation, and mutual respect. We want to contribute to society and demonstrate social responsibility by working as a project of UKCAB and Bakhtawar Trust who believe in our mission and have given us the opportunity to work alongside each other, in order to turn our goal into a reality.


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We are community development charity that offers food to needy. Our faith inspires us, compassion, and motivated by love.


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100% donations policy means every single penny donated is used strictly for charitable efforts.